People can seek shamanic treatment for a wide range of illnesses. In shamanic societies, shamanic healing is commonly employed in conjunction with various treatments, botanical medicines, physical healers, and dietary modifications as part of a multidisciplinary approach to treating any illness or imbalance.

Read More: One shamanism

Most non-Indian people are not familiar with shamanic healing in modern western society. In spite of this, individuals are turning to modern shamans for a variety of health issues, but particularly when traditional methods are not producing the desired results.

A shamanic viewpoint on illness

Shamans have a different outlook on specific diseases than do mainstream medical practitioners. Regarding shamanism:

Diseases or symptoms that are similar are not caused by the same underlying core energy issue.

Discord in the community frequently shows up as personal disease.

Regardless matter the shape a sickness takes—physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, or relational—any ailment may have a serious underlying spiritual or energy problem.

Shamanistic healing approaches may be beneficial for some ailments that are more likely to have a spiritual component. These include mental health conditions including addictions, ADD/ADHD, autism, and despair and anxiety.

Physically apparent illnesses might yet have strong spiritual roots. This is particularly true for diseases that manifest abnormally early or atypically, such a degenerative disease that usually affects older adults developing in a young adult.

A feeling that something is “missing” or that “I haven’t been the same since…” is frequently a sign of some kind of energetic loss, including a loss of soul energy. Often used in conjunction with other integrative therapies including homeopathy, naturopathy, chiropractic care, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and others, shamanic healing is a component of a multifaceted approach to sickness.

shamanic therapy

The practice of shamanic healing involves two stages:

the precise identification of the underlying energy, both visible and invisible.

putting into practice the precise energy choreography required to address the issue.

The shaman can help by restoring lost energy or by eliminating unwanted energies from the environment. This involves soul recovery, which involves bringing back lost soul fragments to achieve healing.

The integration and processing that most healing processes require may be completed with time and assistance while residing in a community that encourages this kind of work. The client and the shaman must provide the tools and framework necessary for the individual to adapt to the change in internal energies in today’s world.

How can I locate a practitioner of shamanism?

Within indigenous cultures, shamanic practitioners are well-known and widely available to people. However, shamanic practitioners are unknown to most modern Westerners. Since they are summoned to their vocations by direct spiritual initiation, shamans are not registered with any certifying authority. Having said that, the Foundation for Shamanic Studies maintains a list of Certified Shamanic Counselors who have successfully finished its Core Shamanism training course.

Inquire about a practitioner’s reputation from friends and coworkers if you locate one in your neighborhood. Next, arrange a meeting with the practitioner and inquire about their training, initiation, and methods of practice. One important point to consider is if the practitioner would be willing to help with integration and processing concerns following a shamanic healing, particularly a soul retrieval, or if they would at least recommend a colleague to aid with that work.

Is there solid proof that shamanic healing works?

Shamanic healing does not lend itself easily to traditional study designs since it is tailored to each individual patient and their disease. Furthermore, research on these behaviors has not received much funding or interest.

Shamanistic practices have been used for thousands of years, which suggests that their users find value in them; otherwise, they would not have endured and continued. Cultural anthropologists’ observations have provided the majority of our understanding in this field. Furthermore, shamanism was a common way for many ancient societies to learn about the medicinal qualities of plants. Shamanism is still practiced today. Since the 1950s, an increasing corpus of scholarly research has been conducted in this area.